About us
Our company was founded on 01.01.1998. Since then we convince our customers with great flexibility, professional competence, an extensive storage and delivery program and a fast delivery service.
Since 2003 we are certified. in DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000.
Our customers are mainly companies from the medical technology sector., who have high demands toward our products regarding surface quality, accuracy in measurement as well as chemical compositions.
In the measuring and controlling technology branche and other branches of industry our products are as well highly valued.
We deliver the Greater Tuttlingen area with our own vehicles. In cooperation with reliable forwarding agencies we supply our customers in Germany, Europe and the USA.

Ursula Spingler
Email: ursula.spingler@sw-stahl.de

Sarah Spingler
Email: sarah.spingler@sw-stahl.de

Cornelia Gruß
Email: gruss@sw-stahl.de

Bettina Rypalla
Email: rypalla@sw-stahl.de

Kim Schmidt
Verkauf / QMB
E-Mail: schmidt@sw-stahl.de